Teens from throughout the area were greeted by beautiful weather and a full slate of 3 vs. 3 tournaments in volleyball, basketball, bubbleball soccer, gagaball and trivia as well as a MarioKart challenge at Port Ann Wesleyan Church on Saturday, September 30.
“We couldn’t have asked for a better day weather-wise, and the teens that came out were great,” said youth group director John Zaktansky. “We were blessed with incredible support from our church as we spent the afternoon hanging out with these teens and celebrating them, leading up to a message about the importance of togetherness and supporting each other.”
The youth have been part of a remodel of their youth room with support of various people in the church as part of a bigger revision under new pastor Brandon Kuhns and his family.
“We want to create a safe place for our teens where they are excited to bring their friends and hang out, relax and unwind,” said Zaktansky. “As we move forward, the goal is to serve the local community. If people know of needs within the community in which our teens may be of service, we would encourage them to reach out by sending an email or by calling or sending me a text to 570-847-2718.”
Some photos from the teen rally on Sept. 30: