Pastor Barry and Von Miller held a five-service revival event at Port Ann Wesleyan from April 7-10, sharing God’s word and inspiration during the Sunday morning and evening services, Monday night, Tuesday and wrapping up during the regularly scheduled Wednesday evening service.
The couple retired recently after serving the Lord in The Wesleyan Church for over 43 years. Their pastorates had taken them from Pennsylvania to Maryland to North Carolina and to Virginia before they settled in at Von’s hometown of Robbins, NC. “Retired” isn’t a very accurate word because they have become the “right-hand couple” for the current pastor & wife at the Robbins Wesleyan Church!
Pastor Barry’s heart for the local church and his experiences for these many years was used by the Lord as he delivered practical messages from the Word of God to the congregation of Port Ann Wesleyan. He offered a fresh look into the heart of God’s guidance for believers, the followers of the Lord Jesus.
His wife’s talents on the keyboard also coupled well with their singing together as they brought multiple special songs during the services.
Port Ann Wesleyan continues to offer our community a solid place to get to know God better and to grow in our relationship with Christ Jesus. Our doors are always open for people wanting to know more of God’s plan of salvation.
— Pastor Paul Sheets