Port Ann Youth look back at an evening of music and message at Winter Jam 2018

Estimated read time 3 min read

Seven members of the Port Ann Wesleyan Youth Group traveled on Jan. 19 to the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA, to enjoy 10 musical groups from various genres during Winter Jam 2018.

Among the performers were Skillet, Kari Jobe, Building 429, Jordan Feliz, the rapper KB, Dan Bremnes, NewSong, Westover and Mallary Hope. The lineup offered everything from songs with a more traditional feel to louder, faster selections with rap and heavy metal influences.

Each youth seemed to favor a different style … and as the evening’s emcee (NewSong’s Russ Lee) shared during a moment of testimony, some of the music that may seem extreme to some of those in attendance have the power to reach others who may be struggling in a different way. He shared the story of a teen who was in a foster home and struggling with school and connecting with his foster home. He was into groups like Marilyn Manson and other dark heavy metal and seemed totally shut off by the Winter Jam experience during a Nashville tour stop. However, when Skillet came out and started to play and share testimony, something moved in the young man, and he went on to accept Christ that evening, and the foster family saw a complete transformation in his home life and in his school performance from that moment on.

An evening sermon was delivered by nationally renowned evangelist Nick Hall, of the Pulse Movement ministry. In a true God moment for our small group of youth, Nick’s main passage of scripture was the exact same that was used in the Wednesday night youth group two nights earlier at Port Ann Wesleyan: James 4:7-8 (Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. – NIV). Nick’s message utilized a variety of object lessons to help illustrate the importance of moving forward in life without unnecessary baggage and instead leaning completely on God.

Overall, yes, the music was loud. And yes, it was a little overwhelming at times in terms of an overall experience. But, there was no doubt that God was present during the evening, and each of our youth walked away with some valuable lessons learned. Check below for a small photo gallery from the night, but first, here are a few songs that the youth seemed especially moved by:

“I Am a Christian” by Newsong:

“What a Beautiful Name” by Kari Jobe:

“The River” by Jordan Feliz:

“Arise My Love” by NewSong:

“Impossible” by Building 429:



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