Port Ann Wesleyan Youth Group preps for benefit yard sale

Estimated read time 2 min read

The Port Ann Wesleyan Youth Group continues to receive a wide variety of donations from families within our congregation and beyond for our Sept. 26 benefit yard sale (which starts at 8 am).

Our yard sale is the biggest fundraiser for the group, as we raise money for youth camp registrations, program materials, future group outings (including one hopefully to Sight & Sound) and potential mission trips.

Items include everything from clothing to bed sets, tools, electronics, households, collectibles, books, games, toys, Bibles, movies, strollers, music and much more. We also hope to have a variety of fall decoration items. We are still taking donations through Friday, Sept. 25. If you have some items (in good shape) you’d like to donate, send an email to youth group leader John Zaktansky by clicking here.

We will also be offering a food stand with fresh grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, soup (chicken noodle and cheeseburger), homemade baked goods, chips and drinks. If anyone wants to donate baked goods or other items to the stand to help offset costs, please send us an email here.

Photos of some of the items will be shared online Friday evening. All items in the yard sale will be available via donation to our youth group program. If you have questions, contact John or Michelle at 570-847-2718 or via email.

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