Port Ann Wesleyan youth group lesson for Nov. 25, 2020: Thanksgiving

Estimated read time 4 min read

Hey all. There is no youth group this Thanksgiving Eve … however, we felt compelled to share a few things with everyone.

First, Michelle and I want to share how thankful we are to be part of such a good group of young people. God has definitely blessed us with a super-talented pool of teenagers with lots of potential to really make a difference in this world. We know the times are crazy and current events are impacting most every facet of our lives, but we have one constant through all the storms and uncertainty, and that is God’s love and plan for each of us.

Looking to Thanksgiving, Matthew West recently did a fun Thanksgiving-related music video. If you haven’t seen it yet, it is worth a watch:

Prayer needs continue to be at the forefront of what makes our youth group so special. Beyond all the lengthy list of requests we bring before Lord each week, we ask you take some additional time to pray for the following situations during the Thanksgiving weekend:

Pastor Paul and Sally as Sally works through the next in her series of treatments ahead of more tests and answers from the doctors.

Pat and Janie Mitchell and the Jordan family. Pat (Julianna and Sammy’s grandfather) has been hospitalized a few days with COVID. Janie, his wife, was admitted yesterday to Evangelical. Beth Jordan (Julianna and Sammy’s mom) moved in with Candy Mitchell (her sister) to help out while Pat and Janie are away. Candy had tested positive for COVID a bit ago. Please bathe this family in prayer as doctors work to mitigate things and the family tries to support from a distance.

Herb and Charlotte Shaffer, two more from our church family, are dealing with COVID. They are quarantining at home.

Hunters take to the woods Saturday and into next week for the opening of rifle deer season. Pray for safety, success and valuable family bonding time.

Earle Wilson, a former Wesleyan church superintendent who has spoken as an evangelist a number of times at family camp, died late last night from COVID-related issues. Please keep his family, including son Stephen Wilson (another evangelist we have seen several times at family camp) in prayers.

Trina Eia is considering new treatment options. Please pray for her, her family and a recent magazine piece that has the potential to impact a wide circle of people who may not know the Lord.

And lastly, please remember others impacted by COVID, by the uncertainty surrounding schools and work and the upcoming holiday season.

Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to thank God for all the blessings He has provided over the past year. Considering the COVID chaos, perhaps more than ever, it is important that we take some time to thank God for the blessings He has given even while things seem out of control.

A humorous video from the Skit Guys from nine years ago concerning Thanksgiving came up on our feed recently, and it is worth a look.

The mom in the video poses some important points to consider. The fact that she feels isolated on Thanskgiving Day due to her sickness is a good reminder of all the people who are isolated or quarantined or feeling lonely because of COVID restrictions. She shares a Bible moment about Moses and God showing His goodness in an awkward time.

The book of Psalms offers a number of verses and passages about declaring our thankfulness to God. Here are two:

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” Psalm 107:1

“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” Psalm 7:17

What are some of your favorite verses that deal with thankfulness? How many can you find? Perhaps a good exercise this Thanksgiving when you have some down time is to go through your Bible and find some verses that relate to being thankful. If you do, please share what you find with the group … you never know who it may bless.

If you’d like to take some time to catch up with previous lessons, click here.

Also, if you were unable to experience the Sportsman Sunday sermon from Rev. Matt Pickering this past weekend, it was a good one. Check it out online here:

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