Port Ann Wesleyan youth group for Dec. 30: Roadmap for 2021

Estimated read time 6 min read

It seems extremely weird that exactly a year ago today (Wednesday), 16 of us from Port Ann Wesleyan were enjoying our final full day of Follow 2019 International Youth Convention in Cincinnati. What an adventure, and something we can’t wait to share with those who weren’t able to make it last year when the next Follow convention comes around.

Never, in a million years, would I have guessed back then that today, a year later, we’d be stuck doing our 38th weekly online lesson and anxious for the day to be meeting in person again. Catch up on previous lessons here.

We’ll kick things off tonight with Casting Crown’s newest song, “Start Right Here.”

COVID continues to dominate the prayer chain and prayer needs for both our church and the surrounding communities. Pat and Candy Mitchell — and the extended family — continue to navigate the holiday season in the aftershocks of losing Janie. Pat Snook is struggling after the loss of her sister, Betty Lenig. Within our immediate youth group family, the Jordans and Eichers are dealing with COVID and a growing list of those connected to our group request prayer regularly.

Trina Eia is struggling to battle back from a setback and is experiencing much pain. Please pray for her and the family.

Our youth group directly impacted the lives of 63 people within the local community over the past couple weeks, most recently through a van-load (literally a fully loaded van) of groceries and other household needs for two families struggling to make ends meet heading into Christmas Day. Thanks to all those who contibuted and to Wayside Church’s food bank for extra assistance. We should be praying for all these families.

Today’s lesson comes from a passage written by Paul, who at the time was on the verge of evangelizing on three missionary routes to spread God’s word to as many people as he could. Specifically, we want to look at Philippians 3:12-15 (NKJV):

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.

As you read over that verse, think of it in terms of a roadmap for tackling the unknown … a fitting concept as we prepare to put 2020 in our rearview mirrors and look ahead to 2021. What can we do to proactively and mindfully prepare to get the most out of the coming year and truly make a difference for God in the coming weeks and months? Consider how Allen Parr breaks down the verse

So, in review, the suggestion is to prepare for the new year using four things … assessment, “amnesia,” anticipate and action.

In terms of assessment, over the past year, how were you, honestly, in your prayer life? How would you grade your time spent in God’s word? Did you give up something important to you and use that time to connect more intensely with God (fasting)? How were you in your giving to the ministries that are important to you and to others? How would you grade your time worshipping God? How well did you utilize your spiritual gifts this past year? Did you evangelize to others and tell them about your faith in God?

The “amnesia” concept comes from the passage above … specifically the part of “forgetting those things which are behind.” God covers our sins and does not want us weighed down by past failures … or even lured into a sense of complacency by past successes. What are some things you need to place at God’s feet and leave behind in 2020 in order to best serve God in 2021?

Anticipating, or “reaching forward to those things which are ahead,” requires setting specific goals. Goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based). What personal goals do you have for 2021? What ministry goals? Physical goals? Relational goals? Financial goals? What goals do you have for our youth group to truly make a difference in 2021?

Finally, via Action, what things specifically should we be doing to make the goals we set? For example, if a goal is to lose 20 pounds by June 1, perhaps our specific actions would be to take 10,000 steps per day or drink a certain amount of water, or cut a certain amount of calories or carbs or whatever. If a goal is to spend more time with God, perhaps the specific actions would include mindfully reading your Bible at least 15 or 30 minutes a day, or setting aside specific times for prayer or fasting.

Ultimately, our prayer is for each of our youth group members to proactively prepare for a 2021 that goes beyond anything we have done previously when it comes to serving God.

In an effort to better help each of you, we created an online survey that takes you through each step listed above, assessing your efforts in the past, figuring out what things need to be forgotten and left behind, developing realistic goals both individually for yourself and for the greater youth group and what action steps can be made to achieve those goals.

We ask each of our youth members to take some time to prayerfully and honest answer each question in this survey, and please know that these will be kept confidential by Michelle and myself. We will use them to help shape future programs and projects for the youth group and plan ways to help you achieve the personal goals you have set while having specific areas to pray for each of you.

You can take the survey here.

Thanks for your feedback. We pray you have a happy and safe new years holiday and look forward to in-person youth sessions soon (the goal is to meet in person for youth at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the church).

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