Port Ann Wesleyan Sunday service overview for August 30, 2020

Estimated read time 2 min read

The Sunday morning message for August 30 at Port Ann Wesleyan provided a deviation from the norm, as we celebrated the young people moving up from one class to another within our children and youth ministries.

Early in the service, two songs were shared from the children’s ministry, directed by Robin Kratzer. They included:



Robin then provided an object lesson from her children’s ministry, focusing on popular breakfast cereals and how they relate to Biblical principles:

After honoring the young people moving up this year, including Saryssa Hoover, Sammy Jordan, Kadyn Long, Blake Walter and Katie Swartz, the congregation received an update from the church youth group, starting with a song many in the youth group enjoy:


Next, youth group directly John Zaktansky shared a short object lesson involving potatoes and an overview of the numerous youth who participate regularly at the church:

The service ended with another youth group-inspired song — a newer piece that has been used to offer comfort during the uncertainty about a return to school:

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