Port Ann Wesleyan Sunday morning service for May 10, 2020 (Mother’s Day)

Estimated read time 2 min read

Happy Mother’s Day! Here is our Sunday morning service from Pastor Paul Sheets for May 10, 2020:

Announcements from Pastor Paul Sheets:

  • The time is coming when Port Ann Wesleyan will be able to gather again for Worship … in our sanctuary!  But along with that will be some changes that aim to keep us on the “safer side” of some of our social skills which have become important during our “DISTANCING” season.
  • Be praying for the members of our Local Board of Administration:  Their first meeting since COVID-19 is Tuesday, May 12th.  We will seek the wisdom of the Lord as we explore our options and timing of a CAREFUL reopening.
  • Ministry Leaders have begun to “think out-loud” about scheduling ministry events – Youth Group, Children’s Ministries, Missions Committee – as well as our responses to Summer Events like VBS and Camp Meeting.  Again we ask you to pray for wisdom, creativity, and a clear ear for the direction of the Lord.
  • If we are nearing the easing of some of our restrictions, let’s continue to reach out to our neighbors as well as families within our congregation!  The little comments that have filtered into the parsonage have been such an encouragement to your Pastor & Wife!  Your simple calls & cards to others have brought some genuine appreciation from those who have been reached!
  • And finally, keep praying for our Local & State & National political leaders!  Pray for clear thinking for them … and that the Lord Himself would guide in the decisions made!

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1 Comment

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  1. 1
    Bradford Miller

    Wonderful message by Pastor Paul and Lovely music by one of my favorite artists the Gaithers.

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