Port Ann Wesleyan online youth group for Jan. 5, 2022: The original masterpiece

Estimated read time 6 min read

Welcome to our online youth group for this week. Catch up on previous sessions here.

This week is the first in a series where some of our older youth members prepare and conduct a lesson for the group. This week, Paige shares the message titled “The original masterpiece.”


God has made everyone unique. You are the one and only, or I should say the original. Let’s take a look at the definition for original.

1. Present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest.
2. Created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy

This tells us a lot. So first off in the 1st definition tells us who God is. The 2nd definition tells us about humans/mankind.

So lets look at the 1st definition. God is present and existing through the holy spirit in us. He is the beginning, LIKE HE CREATED THE EARTH!

So the 2nd definition can refer to us. You were created directly and personally by our Lord, the original Creator, or I should say original Artist. YOU ARE NOT A COPY, you’re a MASTERPIECE! So why do we struggle with comparison so much? Let’s look at the definition for comparison.

A consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.

That is not going to work, let me tell you why. Yes, we can have similarities with people. The same hair color, eye color or even share freckles. Just look at identical twins they have a ton of similarities on the outward appearance. So much so that people mistake them for one another. But, if you really get to know them individually, you will find that they are not alike in a lot of ways: likes, dislikes, style, opinions, etc. God made us individually, a one-of-a -kind, priceless masterpiece. We might share a few of the same colors on our canvas, but we are different paintings, so to speak. We are not a copy, God didn’t make any mistakes, wasn’t like “Oops, I guess I got to make another one. Because this one wasn’t perfect.” He loves us all individually. He was the Who who sculpted you from clay. He knit you together in your mother’s womb.

“But God, she has the prettiest, wavy, healthy blonde hair, and he has the most stunning, sparkly, deep blue eyes. Oh, and look at those dimples! That kid is so lucky and cute. Freckles, I want freckles, I look so boring.”

Yes, they have those wonderful features because God created them that way. He added those happy little freckles to that person because that completes them. I am just going to say it again YOU ARE NOT A COPY no one is, not even identical twins.

Can I just say this: JUST BE YOU! Some people live their whole lives trying to be someone that they’re not. But if you think about it, they will always be a lesser version of that person. Because they are NOT that person. They weren’t created to be that person only to be their self. That puzzle piece just doesn’t fit there, if you know what I mean.

God created a LOT of things in the beginning. The birds, trees, sun, the sea, land animals, plants and of course mankind. He said that it was all good. Nothing was less and nothing was more. Everything was just good.

I find that pretty hilarious that God made us humans and nature and said it was good. I know that humankind is a different because we were made in the image of God. We are supposed to take care of the earth. But we don’t go around comparing ourselves or others to nature.
Like boy, I wish I was as well rooted/grounded as that tree over there. Or I wish I could shine as bright as the sun or at least some of the glow. Man, I wish I was as deep as the ocean at least some deepness would be cool too. Wow, I would kill for some elegance like a swan has.

No one compares people with nature, like come on they’re different. This is the same for humans. No two humans are the same. So let me ask why do us humans compare ourselves so much? It’s like we aren’t happy with ourselves so we try “improving” ourselves by trying to be someone who we think is better than us. Well, that’s what I have become, too. Which is sad. God made you for a purpose you are beautiful just the way He made you. There is no such thing as ones more detailed or better than the other. God loves us equally as an artist loves all of his masterpieces that’s why they are called that. We are God’s masterpieces!

Some might say life is a competition “you have to be the best to gain success.” Well that is not a competition, that is just avaricious. We are not meant to compete. The only competition is to give God the most glory. Because nature already glorifies God you can tell by all of His creation: Sunrises, sunsets, starry night sky, the magnificent color palette, how diverse the creatures are and I could keep going but I will leave you with those.

So, you can think of some more on your own and maybe thank God for them. That makes me want to go outside and glorify the Lord with nature. Kind of like my own little church but with squirrels and birds.

The bible verse I want to share is a pretty popular one. I know I have heard plenty of times before. But, it goes with my lesson so bear with me.

For You created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139: 13-14

This verse is just absolutely beautiful. I have never knitted before so I am assuming if you mess up at some point in the process of making whatever your making it messes up the whole project. Well, I am glad God knit me in my mother’s womb. Because He can do all things because He is Almighty. I wonder if God knows crochet? Even people with disabilities have some struggles. Still God made them that way for a purpose. They are masterpieces with flare and they are perfect in God’s eyes. He gave you your features your button nose or not-so-button nose. He sculpted your unique fingerprint. He gave you how ever many hairs are on your head, and you your special personality.

This verse tells us that we need to praise the Lord. For he has blessed you by your one-of-a-kind beauty inside and out. So, give Him glory because you are fearfully and wonderfully made — an original masterpiece.

Here is a video by Sadie Robertson that discusses this topic:

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