PAW Youth daily devotionals on Jesus’ comments from the cross

Estimated read time 9 min read

To help us prepare for Easter, despite the inability to get together in person, each day I will be sharing a devotional package prepared by Allen Parr that looks at the seven last words/sayings of Jesus Christ from the cross before He died … and the powerful implications they can still have today. Please take time to watch the short video and answer the questions below. Each day, I’ll post the new devotional at the top of this post:

Sunday: Obedience

Scripture: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” – Luke 23:46

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you truly believe that “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord?” In other words, are you confident that although your body will go to the grave, your spirit will be in God’s hands?
  2. What do you believe is dead/dying in your life right now?
  3. Do you believe that God can resurrect it even though it’s been dead for some time?
  4. Do you trust that God’s plan for your life is far greater than any plan you could come up with?
  5. o you believe that in God’s hands there is safety, security, protection and provision?


Father, help me to exchange my will for yours. Help me to understand that when I truly place my entire life into your hands, you can do with it far more than anything I could ever do with it. Father, there are some things in my life that are dying. I trust today that you can resurrect my marriage, my family, my dreams, my purity, my business, my ministry and everything else you touch. Finally, I thank you that in your hands I am safe and protected and that nothing can happen to me unless it is first filtered through your hands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Saturday: Salvation

Scripture: “It is Finished” – John 19:30

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. What do you believe Jesus meant when He said, “It is finished?”
  2. If the sacrifice for sins is “finished,” in what ways might you be trying to add to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross?
  3. In light of this verse, is there anything you believe you need to “do” in order to complete your salvation?
  4. Do you know that God has a general purpose in His word for all believers and a specific purpose for some believers as well? If so, do you know what your purpose is?
  5. If you were to die today, would you be able to say “it is finished” to whatever God has called you to?


Father, I thank you today that there is nothing more that I need to do in order to complete my salvation. I thank you that there is no sin that I could commit that was not “finished” and paid for on the cross. With that knowledge, I pray that I NEVER take your grace for granted and that I would live every day grateful for your sacrifice on the cross. Father, I desperately want to know your purpose for my life. Would you please reveal it to me and help me live a life of purpose so I can say with confidence “It is Finished!” when I die. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Friday: Sovereignty

Scripture: “I thirst” – John 19:28

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. If indeed this is a fulfillment of prophecy, what does that teach you about the sovereignty of God?
  2. Do you believe that although you cannot see God, He is always working behind the scenes working things out for your good and His glory?
  3. If indeed, “I thirst” refers to Jesus’ willingness to “drink” the cup of suffering given to Him by the Father, what does this teach us about what God expects of us in terms of obedience?
  4. Are you willing to obey God even if you know it means you will have to endure pain along the way?
    What is it that you are “thirsting” for today and how do you respond when you don’t get what you’re thirsty for?


Father, remind me that even though I can’t see you, you are always working behind the scenes. God help me to be willing to endure some level of pain if it means I will have the joy of knowing I have fulfilled my purpose. God, I’m thirsty. There are things in my life right now that I want so badly that at times I feel like I’m dying without it. Help me not to act out of desperation when I face seasons where I’m thirsting for worldly things. Help me to have the faith to believe that all things are possible to those who believe. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday: Faith

Scripture: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?” – Matthew 27:46

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. In your opinion, is it okay for us to question God?
  2. In what ways was Jesus both fully God and fully man? Feel free to list as many ways as you can think for both.
  3. How do you respond in times/seasons when you feel abandoned by God?
  4. Why do you feel that God is silent at times in our lives?
  5. What do you believe this teaches us about Jesus’ humanity?


Father, I confess that at times in my life I feel completely and totally alone. I feel that even you have forgotten about me. Help me to remember that even though you are silent, that doesn’t mean you are absent. Help me to go back to the basics and remember that you will never leave me nor forsake me. I reject the idea that if you decide not to answer my prayers that you don’t care about me or that you don’t at least hear them. Finally, Father, I thank you that Jesus is able to relate to everything I will go through and that He is constantly sitting at Your right hand interceding for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Wednesday: Selflessness

Scripture: Jesus said to his mother, “Woman, this is your son.” Then He said to the disciple, “This is your mother.” – John 19:26-27

Discussion/Reflection Questions:

  1. What does selflessness look like to you and how do you assess whether you are modeling that?
  2. Would the people closest to you characterize you as a selfless person or a selfish person?
  3. When you are dealing with personal pain, are you able to take your mind off of that and be sensitive to the pain other people are experiencing?
  4. Who has God placed around you at this time that are experiencing pain? In what ways will you plan to reach out to them to practically show your love and concern for them?


Father, at times I can be very selfish. I can be caught up in my own needs/desires/wants and issues going on in my life. Father, please open my eyes so that I may truly notice the pain that other people around me are experiencing even in the midst of my own suffering. Help me not to be so self-absorbed and self-consumed with my own situation that I am blind to the pain of others. Father, help me to express tangible acts of love and kindness to those who are hurting that extend beyond simple prayer. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tuesday: Grace

Scripture: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise” – Luke 23:43

Discussion/Reflection Questions

What does repentance mean and look like to you?

Do you ever question whether it is “fair” for someone who has lived a life of sin to receive the same forgiveness as someone who has served God their whole life?

Who is in your life right now that you’ve been praying for their salvation?

Do you really believe that God’s power is strong enough to save even the hardest heart?

Is there a sin in your life that you struggle to believe that God can forgive you for?

Are you stuck in a sin or an addiction and secretly question whether it’s worth it to repent?


Father, reveal to me any area in my life that I need to repent. Whether it may be a sin, a habit, or a mindset that needs to change, reveal it to me. Help me to truly believe that no matter how long I’ve been stuck in this sin that you will always respond favorably towards me if I repent. God, may Your Spirit remind me to be more consistent in prayer for people who are far from you. Help me to remember that if You could save me, you can save them too. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Monday: Forgiveness

Scripture: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” – Luke 23:34

Discussion/Reflection Questions

What does forgiveness look like to you?

Who is in your life presently that you are withholding forgiveness from?

If someone has hurt you, have you clearly communicated to them how they hurt you?

Does forgiveness mean you no longer feel the pain of what someone has done to you?

When someone hurts you, do you initiate peace in the relationship or do you hold grudges and wait for them to admit their wrongs?

When someone hurts you, do you truly believe that God saw what was done and is powerful enough to avenge the wrong that was done?

Does forgiveness always mean reconciliation?

In what ways do you believe unforgiveness can negatively affect you?


Father, help me to first and foremost understand what forgiveness looks like by having a clear understanding of how much forgiveness you have extended to me. Help me not to be so quick to ask and receive forgiveness from you and not extend it to others. Help me to have the courage to verbalize how people have offended me. Help me to realize how my unwillingness to forgive is destroying me. Help me to put down my pride and always seek to create peace in my relationships. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



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