Fifteen from Port Ann Wesleyan’s youth group attend Toonapalooza all-nigher

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Twelve members of Port Ann Wesleyan’s Youth Group and three leaders attended the Toonapalooza all-nighter in Altoona recently.

The event started the Overflow Wesleyan church with Subzero ice cream, games (one of our youth, Paige Zaktansky, finished second in the overall rock, paper, scissors competition), announcements and a powerful sermon by Travis Johnson on Coming Alive based on the story of Jesus resurrecting Lazarus and how we all, as Christians, can have a similar rebirth and impact on non-believers around us.

After some pizza and caffeine, the nearly 200 youth from Wesleyan churches throughout the western part of Pennsylvania then went to The Summit recreation facility for six hours of basketball, laser tag, dodge ball, gaga ball, nine-square, swimming and fellowship.

Here are some photos involving some of our youth enjoying the evening:

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