Eleven members of PAW Youth group attend Rescue Lock-In

Estimated read time 2 min read

Eleven members of the Port Ann Wesleyan Church and two adults attended the Rescue Lock-In at Weedville Wesleyan Church on Oct. 6-7.

The event drew 48 youth from several churches throughout the Western PA District of the Wesleyan Church with a common goal of raising money to help those affected by human trafficking in Liberia. As of the event, the youths involved had raised nearly $3,000 toward the cause — enough to save approximately six young people.

The event featured two rallies including music and art ministry through Painting Freedom and special messages from youth camp counselor Brittany Hark. Also, Scott Drury from World Hope International was on hand to speak about the cause and how we all can help make a real difference.

Throughout the overnight experience, there was also a variety of athletic competitions for the youth (basketball, volleyball, dodgeball and Zorbe soccer), a prayer room, a game room with pool table, foosball, pingpong and video games and a special virtual reality room, giving participants a better feel of what it is like to live in Liberia and experience what it is like there.

The experience was a great opportunity to worship, network and enjoy the company of other youths and youth leaders from throughout the district.

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  1. 1
    Pastor Paul

    Some great ACTION SHOTS of the Youth Lock-In/Rescue event! So glad for our Teens who were able to attend. But I want to know … who missed the “slam dunk” and instead got the ball stuck between the backboard and the rim??

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