Port Ann Wesleyan Church service for Dec. 6, 2020: Advent week 2

Estimated read time 1 min read

Here is the message from Pastor Paul Sheets as delivered Sunday morning, Dec. 6, 2020:

Here are a few songs from the morning service, in order of sharing:

The following song was preceded by youth group leader John Zaktansky, who talked about this past week’s online youth group lesson, which included the following music video. The youth are putting a post on our church website and will be sharing it via local Facebook community groups that if anyone knows of someone in need in the local community (needing a meal, a batch of cookies as a pick-me-up, etc.) that our youth will try to address that need. If it is bigger than the youth group’s abilities, we will share with the greater church family. If the need is bigger than that, we will search for resources within the community. The music video was an inspiration for the project:


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