Port Ann Wesleyan Sunday morning message for Aug. 16, 2020

Estimated read time 1 min read

Here is a message from Pastor Paul Sheets looking back at the video blog series we have published. District Superintendent Dr. Matt Pickering will be speaking at our church today, and we hope to have a video of his sermon online by Monday afternoon.

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    Paul Sheets

    Pastor Paul here … wanting to make this brief COMMENT to all who have turned to this site at least once during our COVID-19 Blog Post response: IT’S BEEN QUITE A RIDE! From the early encouragement from John Zaktansky (our resident tech-support) we have offered these 22 Posts especially for people from Port Ann Wesleyan who could not venture out of their homes on Sunday Mornings. From the start this has been “a stretch” for me; but the challenge has been a good change of pace. Port Ann Wesleyan returns to Sunday School Classes on September 13, 2020. Plus we will return to posting our Sunday Morning Messages on this website by the Monday Evening following Sundays each week. Drop us a note sometime to stay in touch with each other! And may our Lord meet your every need as you rely on Him!

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