Message from kids director Robin Kratzer to PAW’s Awana families

Estimated read time 2 min read

Port Ann Wesleyan has cancelled services through Palm Sunday, April 5. The earliest we will meet again for Awana is Wednesday, April 8.

I miss being able to meet as a group and see the smiles of your children, especially when they accomplish their verses and are super excited that they did it! With not being able to physically meet for awhile, I am asking that in these days while they are off from school and more than likely searching for something to do or saying the classic line “I’m bored” direct them to their Awana handbook. It’s the perfect way to have them spend time in God’s Word everyday and start that daily habit if they don’t already.

If your children recite the verses to you and are able to do it without more than two helps from you, you may sign off on their page. Send me a picture or video of them saying their verses so we can stay connected during this time. Also, you can go to for more resources.

For the sections in your child’s handbook that are mission related, Awana’s website has videos and other resources to help in the completion of those sections.

We still are hoping to have our year- end celebration and want the children to finish their books if at all possible. I want to express how much we appreciate all of you and the privilege it is to minister to your children and to you as a family, partnering together to see the Kingdom of God impacted by the Word of God in the lives of your children.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Here are three songs from AWANA that are good reminders about God’s providence during these uncertain times:

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