On Saturday, March 16, 2024, the Port Ann Wesleyan Church hosted its annual Wild Game Dinner with special guest speaker Sid Bream. The evening began with meal in the fellowship hall with a wide variety of food options and fellowship:
We then went to the sanctuary to chat a little about the history of our Wild Game Dinner and reflect a little on its founder, Jim Mulaney, on the second anniversary of his passing from cancer. We gave out the annual Jim Mulaney Christian Outdoorsman Award to this year’s honoree, Lisa Jo Smith:
We then heard from our special speaker, former Major League Baseball player Sid Bream. You can listen to his full message (after John Zaktansky’s short intro and Lisa Jo Smith’s reception of the Jim Mulaney Christian Outdoorsman Award) here:
When then wrapped up the night by giving out door prizes. Thanks to all that worked so hard behind the scenes to make this night a reality, especially Beth and Ron Freed and Beth’s team of helpers and Sid Bream for traveling out and sharing his testimony with us. Some additional photos from the night: